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Blog Entries

Why Reaching 2nd Generation Chinese Americans Is Crucial but Difficult

[…] on the importance of education, and the pressure to succeed that goes with that. While education is important in America, it is not as much of a focus and this can cause tension in the home. I will discuss the impact of social media and while every child, youth, or young adult has to […]

Blog Entries

Hearing from the Church in China, Part 1

The Quest for Trustworthy Information

[…] caveat: it relies exclusively on non-Chinese language sources (which in practice means relying on English-language sources). Parts of this post are taken from the World Watch List Full Country Dossier, which can be accessed here (an update will be published in January 2024).1 Trying to Make Sense of the Wealth of Opinions The number […]

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Migrant Cities in Guangdong Province

[…] time. The Cantonese, however, enjoy work much more than leisure. They have no time to talk to each other or neighbors—much less to strangers. Another major city full of migrants is only an hour’s train-ride away to the north of Shenzhen. Guangzhou, formerly known as Canton, is the largest metropolis of south China and […]

Blog Entries

On the Horns of an Educational Dilemma

[…] fails to help her develop critical thinking skills. But if they choose “horn #2” – a Christian education – they must wade into a legal “gray area” full of risks and with no apparent path to college or career. This “horn” is especially pointed because of a Chinese cultural tradition and because of the […]

Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

[…] worldviews, social media, the struggle for identity, and more. While the previous blogs have focused more on the problems the second generation faces, we will shift our focus in the next blogs. While struggles will still be mentioned, the focus will change to helping them. This blog revolves around the gospel. Because works are […]

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Recent Student Ministry in China

Adapting to Present Realities

[…] their faithful lifestyle of following in his steps.  Governments can take away earthly “rights” that Christians feel they possess, but our Lord determined to enter a world full of authorities depriving people of their rights. He called us to follow him, apart from the world, and sent us into this world as his fellow […]

Blog Entries

The Importance and Roles of Families and Church Leaders

[…] in small groups, or both. Teach others what you have learned regarding the struggles the second and following generations face. Organize conferences for parents and grandparents that focus on those specific struggles. Find resources, ministries, blogs, videos, websites and more and pass them along to others so they can be equipped to help their […]

Supporting Article

Online Theological Training

Forty Years of Growth of Liangyou Theological Seminary

From a radio program to a fully online seminary, Liangyou Seminary has been a key institution for training and equipping pastors and leaders in China. Luke Cheng walks us through the seminary’s forty-year history, showcasing the ingenuity and perseverance necessary to get biblical training to China’s believers.

Blog Entries

Hearing from the Church in China, Part 2

Trying to “Keep the Flies Out”

[…] leaders who tend towards xenophobia: It provides an excuse to keep foreigners out and, to a large extent, to keep Chinese in. And so, China has come full circle, from the bewildered sleeper that emerged from the Cultural Revolution rubbing its collective eyes to the isolated Middle Kingdom it has historically preferred to be, […]

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The Formation of a New City-to-City Partnership

An Interview by ChinaSource

[…] trend for groups of churches in a city or region to partner together to develop a strategy for effective ministry. Recently a group of churches did just that and choose to focus their ministry efforts on one city in China. Here is an interview with a church leader who has been part of the process.</p>