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Blog Entries

Reflections on China 2014: The Growing Environmental Crisis

This is my second blog reflecting back on six days I spent in China recently with Brent Fulton where we met with pastors, seminary leaders and academics in Shanghai and Beijing. I shared in the first blog about my amazement at the growth of the church and the window that seems to be opening for the gospel.

Supporting Article

The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward

[…] of our business. There is a growing crisis in the leadership of Christian churches in China and the West. It is not a lack of effort, passion, commitment or training. Rather, the crisis lies deeper within the heart and it can be summed up in this way: We are so driven to “do” the […]


Three Battles Every Leader Must Win

[…] stewardship is freedom. So let me ask, is your life and ministry a reflection of the freedom of the steward, or are you experiencing the bondage that comes when we hold our work so closely that we begin to believe that it is actually ours? The freedom to be the steward flows from the […]


Leading Abundantly

[…] to get the work done. We are always short of funds to carry out our mission. Do any of these frustrations sound familiar to you? They are common challenges to leaders who are trying to do so much with seemingly so few resources. Time, people and money are the primary building blocks for any […]

Blog Entries

Reflections on China, 2014

[…] and the rising middle class the question will be whether a broader culture of generosity can emerge. We believe that if it does it will (and should) come through the church. If we can catalyze a movement of selfless generosity among God's people in China it will have a significant impact on the church […]

Blog Entries

Reflections on China 2014: Two Ships – Different Directions

[…] emerges from its decades of persecution and isolation, will smoother waters beckon its people to abandon the battleship? Will a growing societal acceptance give way to cultural compromise and accommodation? Will increasing economic opportunity produce an equally increasing materialism and consumerism? Will the decrease in persecution also decrease the willingness to sacrifice and suffer […]

The Lantern

Faith and Generosity

Will the Church in China Make the Connection?

Unfortunately, American Christianity has produced a strange mixture of discipleship and ownership. We have comingled the call to follow Jesus with the pursuit of the American dream. Somehow we have come to believe that we can simultaneously "deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus" while building an earthly kingdom filled with all […]

Lead Article

The Life That Is Truly Life

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. (1 Timothy 6:18-19 NIV) […]


More Than Money

A Fresh Look at Biblical Stewardship

[…] and joy. I begin with the challenge to consider the difference between a counterfeit life and, as Paul puts it, the “life that is truly life.” ( 1 Timothy 6:19) The article concludes with my prayer that: “My brothers and sisters in China would pursue the true life God created us to live. May […]