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Supporting Article

Meet China’s Gen Z

Vol. 23, No. 3

The students from China’s Generation Z exhibit many characteristics differing from those of previous generations. The author identifies and describes these differences, then suggests ways that student ministries outside China can form relationships with these students.

Chinese Church Voices

God’s Way Is Higher than Our Way

The Journey of a Christian Family in China's Educational System

[…] in the local dialect. This language barrier would be your challenge to overcome, not the teachers’. In our case, Li Nuo’s registration links him to his father’s northeastern hometown. The prospect of sending him there is fraught with difficulties: I cannot secure comparable employment there, and my husband’s pastoral commitments anchor us to our […]

Blog Entries

This Is Crazy!

"This is crazy," I observed to my audience of parents and high school students in Beijing. "Why on earth would parents send their 14- or 15- or 16-year-olds to the other side of the world for schooling, especially when studies show some of the best schools in the world are in your own country?"

Blog Entries

The End of Cheap China

A new book is on its way and this will be of interest especially to those involved in business one way or another. It's supposed to be out in December so if you get this as a Christmas present and read this book, please do post a review.

Supporting Article

Dynamics of Mainland Chinese Ministry in North America

As more Chinese students and scholars come to study and do research in North America the avenues for interaction with them are increasing and broadening.

Chinese Church Voices

Easter—the Way Out from Qingming

The Qingming Festival leaves observers with death; Easter opens the way for life through the work of Jesus Christ.

Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

What would lead an 18-year-old boy from a top class to stab his teacher and show no remorse? In this interview transcript, originally published on the mainland blog Territory, host Wenjun speaks with Jiang Peirong, a Taiwanese psychologist and Christian, about what might have led to this shocking event.

Blog Entries

From Doing to Paving the Way

The third article in a series by Brent Fulton exploring seven trends that are impacting the way foreign Christians can effectively serve in China.

Chinese Church Voices

The Way of the Cross

[…] describes how persecution is something all Christians are called to shoulder. In a Storm, May We Be the Ones Who Hold an Umbrella for Others: Persecution, the Way of the Cross, and Our Response in Love The church worldwide has suffered great persecution in recent days. On May 13, there were bomb attacks on […]

Blog Entries

A Key Way that Christians around the World Can Contribute to Gospel Growth in China


[…] with significant Christian resources. Although the range of countries that Chinese go to study in is broadening, the majority still choose to study in places such as North America, the UK, and Australia, in “Christian” countries with religious freedom and significant Christian resources such as strong churches and campus ministries. Spiritual interest and openness. […]