Results for: American+Airlines+++1800-299-7264+New+Reservations+Phone+Number

Showing results for american airlines 1800 299 726 new reservations phone number american airlines 1880 1964 1800 299 726 1880-1964 airlines 1800 299 726 airlines 1880 1964 1800 299 726 1800 299 726 1880 1964 1800 299 726

Blog Entries

Chinese vs American Family

Don’t Tell Me What to Do!

When I was a teenager, I wondered why my American friends would brag about disobeying their parents—at home or in public. I sometimes disagreed with my parents, but I would never disagree with them face-to-face, much less in public. During my graduate studies about culture, I learned that the American family fosters what is […]

Blog Entries

Cultural Identity—East vs West

Or Why They Cause Me Stress

In Asia I experienced a lot of cultural stress but didn’t know why. Not only was I trying to adjust to a different culture, but I was also dealing with unconscious American and Japanese cultural values.

Blog Entries


Or, Do I Have to Give Them Something to Make Friends?

When we lived in Asia, I was constantly asked for things and especially for money. Being a typical American, I was offended with their constant asking. I discovered later that asking for favors was a means of developing relationships.

Blog Entries

Reciprocity—Goes Both Ways and Keeps on Going

As we have seen in my previous blogs, the Chinese family identity is very different from the American individual identity. A simple example—those with a family identity tend to use plural pronouns (“we, our, ours”) while those with an individual identity tend to use singular pronouns (“I, me, my”).  We’ve also seen that Confucian […]

Blog Entries

Saving Face

[…] lose face. When I was in college, for the first time I met people from many different ethnicities other than my Asian family members and white European Americans. One of the people I met was a woman from the Middle East. She was very friendly to me. One weekend she went home to celebrate […]

Blog Entries

The Importance of Filial Piety

Especially at a Distance

[…] At that time, I did not realize how bad we looked in their eyes by not being close to our parents in case they needed us. For Americans the term “filial piety” was something that people could chose to do if they wanted. Not everyone was expected to care for their parents. Both our […]

Blog Entries

The Impact of Buddhism

Even When It Is More Cultural than Belief

Growing up in an American Christian church, I learned that other religions were wrong and of the devil. Therefore, I avoided learning anything about other cultures or their religions even though my own heritage was Japanese Buddhist—both sides of my family were Buddhist but did not observe any obvious Buddhist practices. In Asian culture, […]

Supporting Article

Transpacific Transposition: 1965 to Present

History of Chinese Christianity in North America (3)

The author brings us to the present by giving five factors that since 1965 have created the awakening and dominance of independent-minded and indigenous evangelicalism in North American Chinese Christianity.

Blog Entries

American Evangelicalism and China: A Necessary Conversation

Addressing his readers in China, Ren Xiaopeng asks, “If American evangelicalism is in such an intellectually vacant state, where would Chinese Christianity, deeply influenced by American evangelicalism and fundamentalism, go next?” Their answer will be critical for the future of the Chinese church—and, if we are willing to listen, for the church in America […]