Results for: 24/07+800-299-7264++Sun+Country+Airline+Flight+Reservations+Number

Showing results for 800 299 726 sun country airline flight reservations number 8279 800 299 726 8279-70-8 8279-70-8 800 299 number 8279 8 800 299 726 800 299 726 8279 800 299 726

CSQ Article

Union with Christ and Contextualization in China

Theological Contextualization in China

Dr. Sun proposes that the theological concept of “union with Christ” has elements that intersect with Chinese culture and can aid in presenting the gospel.

Book Reviews

Country Driving

A Journey through China from Farm to Factory

Country Driving: A Journey through China from Farm to Factory by Peter Hessler. Harper (New York: 2010), 438pp. ISBN 978-0-06-180409-0, $27.99. Reviewed by Wayne Martindale

Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

[…] under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released by the National Survey Research Centre at Renmin University of China, found that 22.4 per cent […]

Blog Entries

Grief—What about the Kids?

What impact does it have on a child who suddenly needs to leave the country that has been home?

Blog Entries

Nothing New under the Sun

[…] in plagiarism. Well, specifically, preventing plagiarism. More specifically, the ability to be original in the first place. He would often say, “There is nothing new under the sun; everything you write has probably been written or thought of before in some place and at some time.” This past week in studying the history of […]

Peoples of China

“City Slickers” and “Country Bumpkins”

Are They People Groups?

[…] a nearly universal phenomenon. I’ll never forget the glee with which my language teachers in Taichung taught me how the syllables in the Taiwanese word for “ country person” could be transposed to form a derisive name they used to describe rural people. I will also never forget how difficult it was for me […]


China Emerging as a Mission Sending Country

Be Watchful of Pitfalls

[…] of Chinese working overseas has added substance to this exploding phenomenon. While it is still premature (and missiologically incorrect) to claim that China will become the leading country in mission sending, one can say with confidence that China is emerging as a significant player in this arena as it learns to partner with other […]

Blog Entries

When Our Dream Came to a Halt

That was the beginning of a month and a half of interrogations until we left China, my husband with a “ten days to leave the country” stamp in his passport.

Blog Entries

The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom

A Book Review

The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, 1776 to the Present by JohnPomfret. Published by Henry Holt and Company, 2016, 704 pages. ISBN-10: 0805092501, ISBN-13: 978-0805092509. Hardcover, Kindle, and audio versions available on Amazon. The rather battered and dog-eared cover to my copy of The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom. […]

Blog Entries

A Bottom-Up Faith in a Top-Down Country

According to Rob Gifford, China Editor for The Economist, much has been written about the growth of the church in China, but to understand the church's impact we need to look beyond the numbers.