Results for: how to get cheap airline tickets when a flight isn

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The End of Cheap China

A new book is on its way and this will be of interest especially to those involved in business one way or another. It's supposed to be out in December so if you get this as a Christmas present and read this book, please do post a review.

Blog Entries

11 Ways to Get Involved with ChinaSource

Would you like to be a part of the work of ChinaSource? Here are eleven ways you can get involved.

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Get Back in the Sandbox!

Is Christianity being singled out for pressure, harassment, and restriction. Or is part of something bigger?

Blog Entries

Where Can Someone Get a Bible in China?

That's a question I hear quite a bit whenever I speak on China. People want to know about the availability of Bibles in China. Unfortunately many people still believe that owning a Bible is illegal in China, something that hasn't been true for decades. But as with most things in China, the issue of Bible […]

Blog Entries

Where to Get a Bible in China

Printed and electronic versions are available, but where?

Blog Entries

Can I Still Get a Bible in China?

Answering Common Questions

Since the Bible does not h ave a government-issued ISBN, they can only be sold legally in churches and bookstores affiliated with the … “The process of printing and distributing Bibles is a regulated and systematic procedure that begins with an annual assessment by the of the demand for Bibles. The proposed quantity is […]

Get Involved

 Would you like to be a part of the work of ChinaSource? Here are eleven ways you can be involved:  Subscribe to our content. We publish new content to the website each day, Monday to Friday. You can subscribe to have new posts emailed directly to your inbox or as a weekly digest at the end of the […]

Blog Entries

Where Did They Get That Idea?

[…] too!—in celebration of the New Year. Chinese New Year. Celebration indeed! Ancient customs are observed everywhere in the Chinese world. But what about those customs? When and how did they originate and what are their meanings? Stories abound, but one of the best-known legends is that small-scale celebrations began during the reigns of emperors […]

Blog Entries

Remembering My First Thanksgiving in China

Isn’t that like God? To take something small and insignificant and use it. And so it will be for you. This year you may need to be reminded, not of an American holiday, but of China and people you no longer get to live and serve with.

Blog Entries

A Novel Approach to Chinese History

If you're interested in China (or any place), I think we're in agreement as to the importance of understanding the historical context. The more you know what has happened, the more you understand what is happening today. Yet at times, the thought of reading history results in a gag reflux, I get it. I […]