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Blog Entries

Why Every Returnee Should Read This Book

Very few returnees are informed realistically about the situations and challenges they will face both in the broader context and in the culture of the church when they return to China. This book can help.

Blog Entries

Getting to Know China’s Pentecostal Churches

A Sneak Peek at the Summer 2023 ChinaSource Quarterly

If the last seven decades in China have taught us anything, they have surely taught us never to underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that you will be encouraged as you read these eye-witness accounts of the story of Pentecost in China.

Blog Entries

Pentecostal Theology and the Chinese Church

[…] affirm three distinctive doctrinal convictions. Pentecostals believe that: the book of Acts serves as a model for contemporary Christian life and ministry; the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) is a post conversion enabling for ministry; and speaking in tongues marks this experience. The impact of these Pentecostal convictions upon the contemporary Chinese […]

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The Pentecostal Legacy of the Indigenous Churches in China

[…] were the fulfillment of many years of fervent prayer and longing.”10 Decades of oppression had created a great longing and desire in the hearts of people for spiritual truth. In this explosive setting Zhang Rongliang and other Fangcheng leaders, such as Sister Ding Hei, began to preach the gospel with great boldness. In spite […]


Pentecostal Churches in China—An Introduction

From the east coast to the west coast The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow everywhere, From the east to the west The glory of the Holy Spirit will be released. Good news comes from heaven, Good news rings in the ear Causing dry bones to become moist Frail bones to become strong. […]

Blog Entries

Sober Optimism

Opposition and Opportunity

[…] sisters to be faithful by pursuing the dangerous journey of love. This is the journey that was first undertaken by Christ who, even now through the Holy Spirit, enables us to follow in his footsteps. This conversation did raise for me, two important questions. How do we view the world around us, and particularly […]

View From the Wall

A Field Study of “The Church of Almighty God” Cult

[…] structure. The secrecy of the organization makes it hard for anyone to get into it. Usually, someone of the opposite sex tells you about a place for spiritual learning that is better than your present church. I went because it sounded good, and the people were very familiar with Christian terminology. Later on, they […]

Supporting Article

Urban Churches in China

A Pentecostal Case Study

[…] demon, began to laugh in a loud, demonic voice. When Zheng heard this demonic laugh, which seemed to symbolize Satan’s triumph, he felt prompted by the Holy Spirit not to give up and close down the church. Zheng indicated that this was the beginning of a period of many miracles and rapid growth in […]

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Learning from the Larger Story

[…] The Chinese Church’s Contribution Pentecostals the world over celebrate the present-ness of the kingdom of God. God’s awesome presence in our midst, his gracious willingness to bestow spiritual gifts, his desire to heal, liberate, and transform lives—all of these themes, so central to Pentecostal piety, highlight the fact that God’s reign is now present. […]

Blog Entries

The Appeal of the Pentecostal Movement in Hong Kong

The Kaleidoscopic City: A Book Review

[…] well-worn path. Of course, Mayfield does not deny that the early Pentecostals in Hong Kong were unique. He simply affirms that the distinctive elements of their message, spirituality, and methods must be seen in the light of the larger unity that they shared with other evangelical brothers and sisters. One distinctive aspect of the […]