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Blog Entries

Getting to Know China’s Pentecostal Churches

A Sneak Peek at the Summer 2023 ChinaSource Quarterly

If the last seven decades in China have taught us anything, they have surely taught us never to underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that you will be encouraged as you read these eye-witness accounts of the story of Pentecost in China.

Blog Entries

Pentecostal Theology and the Chinese Church

[…] affirm three distinctive doctrinal convictions. Pentecostals believe that: the book of Acts serves as a model for contemporary Christian life and ministry; the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) is a post conversion enabling for ministry; and speaking in tongues marks this experience. The impact of these Pentecostal convictions upon the contemporary Chinese […]


Pentecostal Churches in China—An Introduction

From the east coast to the west coast The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow everywhere, From the east to the west The glory of the Holy Spirit will be released. Good news comes from heaven, Good news rings in the ear Causing dry bones to become moist Frail bones to become strong. […]

Supporting Article

The Pentecostal Legacy of the Indigenous Churches in China

Prior to 1949, while some of the independent, indigenous Chinese churches were not Pentecostal, the larger church networks had Pentecostal roots. Pentecostal beliefs and practices continue to define a large segment of Chinese churches today.

Supporting Article

Urban Churches in China

A Pentecostal Case Study

An author has noted that societies being shaped by the forces of modernization and urbanization represent fertile ground for the seeds of Pentecostal revival. Menzies supports this claim in a case study that gives us the history and growth of the Li Xin Church, a large, Pentecostal house-church network.

Blog Entries

Sober Optimism

Opposition and Opportunity

This conversation did raise for me, two important questions. How do we view the world around us, and particularly its political and social institutions? And how will God’s redemptive plan, God’s kingdom, be ushered in in all of its fullness?

Blog Entries

A Strong Foundation: Pentecostal Revival in Yunnan Province

Beginning in 1993 and running into the first decade of the twenty-first century many other Pentecostal believers in the villages of Wu Ding County left their TSPM churches and established their own Pentecostal house churches due to opposition. Now there are over 40 Pentecostal churches in Wu Ding that network together.

Supporting Article

Learning from the Larger Story

[…] The Chinese Church’s Contribution Pentecostals the world over celebrate the present-ness of the kingdom of God. God’s awesome presence in our midst, his gracious willingness to bestow spiritual gifts, his desire to heal, liberate, and transform lives—all of these themes, so central to Pentecostal piety, highlight the fact that God’s reign is now present. […]

Blog Entries

The Seed of the Church and the Modern Missions Movement

[…] from various parts of China like the two martyrs in Pakistan and like the Bernheims. It is a privilege to be shaped together with them by the Spirit of God. For a defense of the traditional understanding of the church’s mission, see Robert Menzies’ recently published article, “A Tale of Two Stories: Amos Yong’s […]

Blog Entries

The Appeal of the Pentecostal Movement in Hong Kong

The Kaleidoscopic City: A Book Review

[…] highlights how Pentecostal attitudes toward healing also became an important asset. Yet this is an example of how the context of Hong Kong helped Pentecostals adjust and change. “Healing…became an important bridge between Pentecostals and the people of Hong Kong. On their arrival in the colony, Pentecostals insisted that salvation had to precede any […]